Friday, May 29, 2009

What did the Wise Latina Woman REALLY say?

I am a self described Liberal at odds with many broad brush definitions thrust on those of us who relish freedom of thought. The exercise of the right to judge the evidence at hand and reach an independent conclusion is what I consider the primary ingredient in being Liberal. The conclusion reached may be more or less liberal than conservatives like to paint those they oppose, but it is the process of reaching independent conclusions which makes one Liberal.

When the press started harping on President Obama’s recent nominee to the Supreme Court Sonia Sotomayor’s quote “Second, I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life” I was concerned. I did not like that quote. It does sound like reverse racism and I have to agree with Newt Gingrich (the fact that I can agree with him on anything makes my stomach turn) that new racism is just as unacceptable as old racism. But since I wish to consider myself a wise Latina woman I researched the origin of that quote. The speech was delivered at the Berkeley La Raza Law Journal's Twelfth Annual Symposium on October 26, 2001. The purpose of the speech was to address the effect of ethnic and gender bias in the application of law and the rendering of judgements.

Sonia Sotomayor’s entire speech is available at so all who are interested in exercising their freedom to reach independent conclusions are free to go there and read the quote in context. And, granted, had she use the term “different” rather than “better” we probably would not be having this controversy. But, in summary she was basically saying that one’s life experience will and should shape the manner in which one acts and reacts to stimulus. It is part of the human reality. She uses the analogy of how we react to ethnic food…to a Puerto Rican eating blood sausage is normal and delicious. To that wise old white man it may well be the cause of retching and turned up noses. More importantly, her position on HOW one uses life’s experience to wield the power that judging affords is much more significant than what the media has chosen to focus on.
“Personal experiences affect the facts that judges choose to see. My hope is that I will take the good from my experiences and extrapolate them further into areas with which I am unfamiliar. I simply do not know exactly what that difference will be in my judging. But I accept there will be some based on my gender and my Latina heritage. I also hope that by raising the question today of what difference having more Latinos and Latinas on the bench will make will start your own evaluation. For people of color and women lawyers, what does and should being an ethnic minority mean in your lawyering? For men lawyers, what areas in your experiences and attitudes do you need to work on to make you capable of reaching those great moments of enlightenment which other men in different circumstances have been able to reach? For all of us, how do you change the fact that in every task force study of gender and race bias in the courts, women and people of color, lawyers and judges alike report in significantly higher percentages than white men that their gender and race have shaped their careers; from hiring, retention and to promotion and that a statistically significant number of women and minority lawyers and judges, both alike, have experienced bias in the courtroom? ”*
Wordier too. Apparently it is more important to have brief sound bites than accurate ones.

*The text which appears at the provided link appears to have typographical errors which I have attempted to correct in a manner concordant with my "life experience and gender bias" .

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Muss Up Your Hair

A friend from Puerto Rico sent me the following essay. I translated it with very few "indulgences"... I couldn't find any reference to when or where it originated, but it came with a cartoon of Mafalda ... a cartoon character from Argentina and very popular and well known throughout the Spanish speaking world. I don't know if Mafalda is known in the States. The original author is apparently a woman who is mandated by Feminism to write this essay, but frankly I feel like it's a pretty good admonition to men too. Of course, some of us take it a little TOO far, but what the heck!

Muss Up Your Hair

Today I learned that you have to let life muss up your hair, so I have decided to live life with greater intensity. The world is crazy. Definitely crazy. If it tastes great, it’s fattening. What’s pretty is exprensive. The sun that warms your face wrinkles it too. And everything that is truly good in life musses up your hair.

· Making love musses up your hair.
· Laughing till your gut hurts musses up your hair.
· Traveling, flying, running jumping in the ocean musses up your hair.
· Taking your clothes off musses up your hair.
· Kissing the person you love musses up your hair.
· Playing musses up your hair.
· Singing till you’re out of breath musses up your hair
· Dancing till you wonder if wearing high heels was a good idea leaves your hair unrecognizable!

So, from now on every time you see me my hair is going to be mussed up. And you can be sure that I am living the happiest time of my life. It is a law of life: the woman who rides in the first car of the roller coaster will have hair that is more mussed up than the one who chose not to take the ride.

I may feel tempted to be impeccable, combed and pressed inside and out. Life’s ‘help wanted’ ad demands a good appeareance. Brush your hair, put on, take off, buy, run, loose weight, eat healthy, stand up straight, get serious.

And maybe I should follow the instructions, but when will I be told to be happy? Hasn’t anyone figured out that to look pretty I have to feel pretty? The prettiest person I can be! The only really important thing is that when I look in the mirror I see the woman I should be. So, my recommendation to all women:

Throw yourself into life, Eat with abandon, Kiss, Hug, Make love, Dance, Fall in love, Relax, Travel, Jump, Go to bed late, Get up early, Run, Fly, Sing, Dress up, Be comfortable, Admire the view, Have fun…and above all, let life muss up your hair!!!!

The worst that could happen is that you look at yourself in the mirror and see that you have to comb your hair again!

This is an example of Mafalda ... by the cartoonist Quino. Mafalda is saying " Mom! What kind of future do you see for this woman's rights movement? Never mind."

Friday, January 30, 2009

Petition to Rush Limbaugh

The recent content of Mr. Rush Limbaugh's nationally syndicated radio program has irked many and provided him with even more fodder for his negative approach to program content. Many of us believe that party affiliation has nothing to do with patriotism; that constructive criticism is crucial to building sound platforms and a future that will sustain the promise of American freedom of thought, speech and the pursuit of happiness. Destructive criticism, on the other hand, is employed solely to ensure that the noise created by the criticizer is heard at a greater distance. Please consider copying the petion you will find below and sending it to those on your mailing list. Mr. Limbaugh loves to pound his chest concerning the large number of people who listen to him. Perhaps we can make him listen to a large number of people too.

Petition to Mr. Rush Limbaugh
Please be quiet. Please take a solemn moment and consider history, consider where the nation you purport to love finds itself at this moment. There are many things you and each of us CAN do. We the undersigned, hope that you will choose to be quiet. We hope that you will recognize that wishing for the failure of your president is NOT patriotic. We hope that you will recognize that creating dissention and vitriol is NOT patriotic. We hope that you will recognize that what you identify as humor and wit is nothing more than cynical anger that is often vulgar. We hope that you will recognize that calling women "babes" and environmentalists "whackos" plays to the lowest component of your audience but fully defines the height of your cultural contribution to our national reality. We the undersigned do not wish to silence dissent, we do not wish to eliminate authentic voices of conservative reason, and we do not wish to pretend that all is well or that the current government can do no wrong. Our sole wish is to recognize that the severity of our present situation demands that the majority of us pull together in the same direction, that the painful sacrifices we make today will protect us from greater, deeper sacrifices tomorrow and that fertilizing acrimony is not conducive to healing. Rush Limbaugh; PLEASE BE QUIET. Your mouth is the source of much of the fertilizer.

Please, be quiet.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Change from Within

Something very special has taken hold of our country. Of course, we have all been following the rhetoric of the mass media with all the understandably euphoric hoopla fluttering about the inauguration of Barack Obama. But that alone is not what we're seeing.

Have you noticed the plethora of African-American's barely able to contain their tears as they are interviewed on TV? Well, I don't know about you but as I watch them tears well up in my eyes as well. Because we are all participating in something that is still unspoken yet so true.

We are seeing African-Americans from all across the US in exactly the same way. Rich or poor, educated or ignorant, cultured or coarse; they are moved to emotional reactions because they are witnessing something they never thought they would see in their lifetimes. They may have all agreed that SOMEDAY an African-American could become President but they provided a degree of protection from the pain of believing that it was out of reach by imagining that magical day as sometime in the distant future. And now the day is here. They are seeing it come true. Even Dr. Martin Luther King, whose birthday we commemorate today dreamed of a day when "his children would be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skins." No mention of people JUST looking at the character and skipping the skin color part. He dreamed, but he and countless wonderful people like him thought it wiser to keep the dreams to a manageable level. And now Barack Obama has shown that we HAVE progressed. The biggest change that Obama and all Americans can point to right now is one that has already happened; one that took place in our souls and which allowed this momentous inauguration to be taking place.

When I was 10 years old my family was traveling through Mississippi and we stopped at a gas station. On my way back to the car after going to the bathroom I stopped to drink from a water fountain. As I lifted my mouth away from the stream of water I saw a sign that said "Colored Water". In my youthful innocence I recall staring oddly at the water and feeling confused because the water wasn't colored. In the fifty years that have passed since then the obvious signs of racial bias have disappeared, replaced by the nefarious, hidden prejudices that have fueled discrimination. We know that there are still people who stubbornly hold on to the need to be divided and who raise children they taint with a darkness that is within. And yet, tomorrow we will witness proof that we have progressed. We are on the road and certainly walking in the right direction.

Do we have a long way to go? Yes...we do but we can do it! The change has come from within and we will continue to mine the unending vein of American ideals! Good will prevail.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Uncle Jay Explains the News

Tired of all the re-hash of 2008 news stories yet? There is so much doom and gloom out there on a daily basis that being reminded of what has already happened is about to push large groups of news addicts over the brink! So, a different approach to the typical re-live, re-flect, re-view was very appealing! If you can't laugh about it, no matter what your point of view on "it" is, healing is hard to come by.

So, here is a little dose of remedy! Laugh a little.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas or Holiday Season?

Lately there has been a major amount of air time on local radio discussing a recent poll from Fox News that indicating whether "The American People" prefer to say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays". For your reference, here is the original report from Fox News.,2933,467571,00.html

The hoopla over this survey, at least locally, made me shudder a little bit. I listened to the multitudes of angry, and I mean very angry people practically shouting about how disgusting it that as a society we have chosen the politically correct catchall "Happy Holidays" and that it is all the fault of the Democratic Party and the left wing liberals. In their angst over the selection of words used in greetings they mixed in the stripping of religious content in school plays, the loss of manger scenes in public areas and the elimination of the Ten Commandments and The Lord's Prayer in schools.

OK. Take a breath. A deep breath.

The Christian tradition is Christmas. That's why it is called Christmas. It is irrelevant and inmaterial to mix in any discussion regarding whether or not Christ was actually born in December...the TRADITION is that we celebrate the birth of Christ on Christmas Day, December 25. So, if you are a Christian and want to say "Merry Christmas" go right ahead. If you are a Christian and you want to embrace the season that Jesus would have celebrated in His time, say "Happy Holidays". There is nothing un-Christian in saying "Happy Holidays". And if someone greets you with "Happy Hannuka" smile and return the blessing.

A far greater danger lurking about and undermining the Christ in Christmas is the behavior of Christians who celebrate Santa Claus more than they celebrate the birth of a Savior. I once witnessed a pastor asking a group of children IN CHURCH during the Children's Sermon what they were anxiously awaiting? To a one they all said Santa Claus! Remember, this was in church!

I am not against Santa Claus, I love the imagery involved and the ease with which innocence is demonstrated through a child's eager acceptance of the myth. But let us be clear and put the responsibility for making Christmas a generic holiday were it really lies. If we as Christians do not massively redirect our attention to the REAL reason for our season it will become generzied through our apathy. When we choose to celebrate a fat, jolly man in a red suit, sitting in a sleigh with eight tiny reindeer above and beyond a tiny, innocent baby in a manger it is we who have taken Christ out of Christmas.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


No, I don't think I'm hard of hearing. But a lot of what I'm hearing is hard to believe. Hence I've been saying, "What????" far too often.

The housing, insurance and banking industries need bailing out because they were forced to grant loans to people who didn't qualify for expensive homes. WHAT? If anybody was forced it was greed that forced them to do what common sense had to be telling them was a stupid thing to do.

The banks got bailed out but they are now refusing lines of credit to small businesses forcing them into bankruptcy. WHAT? Wasn't that part of the argument for bailing them out?

GM and Toyota sold an equal number of cars but GM lost TWICE what Toyota made. WHAT? Doesn't that say something? If I earn just as much as my neighbor but I end up on welfare while my neighbor vacations in the Bahamas I think I might catch on that I'm doing something wrong.

The Secret Service cleared illegal aliens to work part-time at the home of the head of Homeland Security but the federal government fined the owner of the business who contracted them. WHAT? Two wrongs don't make a right, but if the SECRET SERVICE couldn't identify them as illegals, how can a regular, small business man be expected to?

The Governor of Illinois was caught selling President Elect Obama's Senate seat. WHAT? And he knew he was being investigated. WHAT? That level of arrogance begs the question if any politician truly feels that laws govern them at all. With that level of disregard for law and common sense we may well be beyond saving.

Get out your Q-Tips...clean out your ears but in all likelihood, you'll still be saying "WHAT?"
My Zimbio
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